Ruby on Rails Push Notifications

I’ve been researching push notifications for a few months, but I hadn’t stumbled upon my many requirements…until now! Here are my requirements:

  • Works with Rails 3.1 (sorry Juggernaut)
  • Is free (sorry Pusher)
  • Is easy to work with in development
  • Is easy to deploy to production
  • Is SSL capable

And the winner is…Faye!

Requirements 3 and 4 were the trickiest of the bunch, because I am so particular about my environments. I want them to be easy for me to use, easy for my team to use and easy for people in the future (including myself) to maintain. The final piece of the puzzle was Foreman. Foreman makes it easy to manage background tasks and really easy to deploy them to production using upstart. I created a checklist for how to deploy to production here:

A big thank you goes to Ryan Bates for his terrific Railscasts that always serve as a launching pad to learning about and getting started with new technologies. Check these two out:

Tune in next week: I’ll be describing some of the design techniques I used with these tools to create some useful software.

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The launch of

Today, we’re proud to announce the launch of a new web site called At, you can sign up for a forwarding email address that will forward all emails to an email address that you specify.

The site leverages a couple of Amazon systems. Amazon Simple Pay makes it easy for users to sign up and subscribe and Amazon Simple Email Service gives our client a cost-effective and scalable way to send a ton of email. The site also stores no passwords, so we implemented a system where users can log in via confirmation links sent to their email addresses.

All in all, a fun project and we wish it the best of luck in the wild! If you’d like an email address, head on over to their site and sign up. It’s only $7/year!

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The blog is updated!

The Rocket Whale blog is back in action! We’ll be using this space to post as many interesting things as we can. That includes:

  • Cool design stuff we find
  • Reviews of apps/web sites we find interesting
  • Useful HowTracker checklists
  • Coding tutorials
  • Launches of client projects
  • And more… aren’t you always supposed to write that?

We’re excited to spark some conversations with you!

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Use the List is now HowTracker

What is HowTracker?

The original problem that we were trying to solve at Rocket Whale is that policies and procedures at most companies are a pain in the ass to create, they’re hard to access, are usually out of date and are poorly communicated. After many brainstorms and conversations, we’ve arrived at a solution to a greater problem: the challenge of applying and using existing knowledge.

The solution to this problem is HowTracker and it arrives in a couple of months. For more information, visit our pre-launch page and enter your email address for early beta access and a chance to win a prize.

You can still access Use the List

There’s a link to sign in to Use the List at the bottom of the HowTracker homepage. The direct link to the sign in page is:

You can still invite your friends to join by sharing something with them.

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UTL Version 2.1 - Closed Beta

The beta is now closed. Use the List was and is an experiment. An experiment in usefulness and feedback generation. We created the original site in 1 month for Startup Riot as what was then a tiny subset of the features we would release in our full “Policies and Procedures Software” suite. We had no idea what that meant at the time, only that we knew there was a problem to be solved. The problem is and remains:

Policies and procedures at most companies are:

  • a pain in the ass to create
  • hard to access
  • out of date
  • communicated terribly and have no mechanism for feedback

This is quite a grand problem that we plan to tackle in pieces.

Our first piece will be a rebranding and transmogrification (yes, we love Calvin & Hobbes) of Use the List. It will be reborn in a few months as The goal is twofold:

  • Give people a way to learn and execute new things
  • Provide an easy to use platform where people can write down how they do things so that others may learn from them

We’re really excited about building this platform and will be hard at work doing so over the next few months. Our biggest worry (and reason for closing the beta) is to be picked up and spread virally too early. We want a phenomenal product to be ready and will be working hard to make sure that is the case.

In the meantime, Use the List will remain up and supported for existing users. You can still share your Accounts, Templates and Lists with new people. They’ll receive an invitation via email with a special link that will allow them to sign up. If anyone has any questions or comments, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help!

Here are the release notes:

New Features

  • The site is now closed to new users. You can invite new users by sharing your Account, a Template or a List with them.

Bug Fixes

  • The sign up page was sending people to the home page upon submit
  • There was a small glitch with data backups that we fixed


  • Use the List is becoming howtracker. More details are coming!


Tom and Sam

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UTL Version 2.0

This is an exciting release for us for a couple of different reasons. First of all, we’ve packed a bunch of new, useful features into it that you guys have been requesting. See the release notes below and keep that feedback coming!

It’s also exciting because it marks the end of our functionality updates. Don’t worry, it’s not what you think! Use the List is being rebranded and redesigned. We collected all your feedback, talked to tons of potential users and have our own substantial ideas about what we want to accomplish. We’re organizing all of this information and will be implementing it all with a brand new site. More details to come soon!

Until then, our next update will close the public beta to users and will become invite only. Use the List will continue to function and we will continue to support it until the new site launches in late Summer or early Fall.

Last, we want to address the outage that affected our site on April 21st starting at 1am and lasting throughout the day. Use the List is currently hosted by Heroku, a platform as a service that uses Amazon EC2 for their hosting. With that said, the responsibility of keeping OUR site 100% available rightfully falls on OUR shoulders and our shoulders alone. We are reassessing the technology we use and will have a robust solution in place when we relaunch later this year. We are thankful to have experienced this in our beta stage and will use this knowledge to improve our service in the future.

If you want more information about the actual outage, you can read about it (why didn’t they mention us??) and also read post-mortems from both Heroku and Amazon.

Here are the Release Notes:

New Features

  • Items now have details! You can add a description, leave comments for each other, and even attach files to an item. Try it on the mobile site, too.
  • You can now format notes, comments and item descriptions using Textile. See http://redcloth.orgfor more information. In addition to Textile, any links you type in will automatically become a clickable link. Try it on the mobile site too.
  • You can now leave comments on a Note (on mobile too).
  • You can now export all of your Account data on the Account Settings screen via an xml file.
  • You can now print a Template or a List in a printer-friendly format.
  • There is now a more user-friendly way to share a Template with existing Account Members and also share a List with those who collaborate on its parent Template. Check it out on the sharing pages.
  • Account Admins have some new settings (all of these are unchecked by defualt):
  • Prevent Templates from being moved to another Account.
  • Choose to be auto-shared on any Template or List made on the Account.
  • Prevent Templates and Lists from being shared with anyone that is not a Member of the Account.

Bug Fixes

  • You can no longer create an additional Account with the same name as an existing Account that you own.
  • Fixed a bug related to case-sensitivity and promoting an Account Friend to a Member.
  • Clicking “cancel” on the Close List dialog box no longer locks up the checkboxes, which forced users to refresh the page.
  • Very long words no longer run off the screen (for example, a very long link).

Other Improvements

  • Data backups are now more robust.
  • Users with a lot of Active Lists or Closed Lists will only see their most recent 5 on the Template page. The number of Active Lists shown on the Dashboard is 8.


  • Some code bases have been updated to the latest version, which fixes a number of security issues. This was simple preventative maintenance and we have not experienced a security breach.
  • We will be closing the beta program to new users but will provide existing users with invites so that they can still use the site and share things with new people.
  • Our next big release will be a rebranded product with tons of new functionality and a completely different look! Stay tuned!
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UTL Version 1.3.2

We had another important bug fix that couldn’t wait!  We’ve had 0 reports of it affecting anyone, but it warranted a release for sure.

Bug Fixes

  • Accounts, Templates and Lists now come with you if you change your email address.  Previously, they would become lost and without an owner.  Poor little guys…

Until next time…

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UTL Version 1.3.1

We had to fix a couple of important bugs and since our next big release is a few weeks away, we thought we’d push these out there. Hopefully nobody was affected by them!

Bug Fixes

  • Autocomplete no longer shows suggestions after the fact for you fast typers.
  • Email addresses are now being treated as case-insensitive. This was causing a whole slew of issues!

Until next time…

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UTL Version 1.3 - IE 7

We’re sorry, IE7, that it took so long for us to support you. It’s not you, it’s us. We should have been there from the start. Won’t you forgive us and take us back? You will??! Hooray!!!

New Features

  • You can now sign up for our newsletter on your user settings page.
  • You can now update your user settings individually, without having to hit a Save button.

Bug Fixes

  • The site now looks and works great in IE 7, and we will continue to support this browser with all new features. Nevertheless, we recommend Firefox, Chrome or Safari for the best user experience.
  • Our mobile site now recognizes Blackberries. Sorry about that!


  • Our next release will be in early May; it’s gonna be a good one.

Go manage your procedures!

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